Nutrition guide

This is an omnivore diet.  I am not a dietician or medical Dr.

Grocery list

Proteins-Beef, eggs, chicken, turkey, pork, bison, fish, whey powder

Carbs-Sweet Potatoes, White Rice, Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Buckwheat, Millet, Amaranth Quinoa, Banana, Berries, Apples, Melons

Vegetables-Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens, Broccolini, Asparagus, Beets, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Brussels, Cauliflower, Pepper, Onion, Broccoli, Carrots

Fats-Avocado, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, MCT Oil, Almonds, Cashews, Brazil Nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Nut Butters, Seed Butters

Portion sizing for men and women

Palm-determines your protein portion size x2 for men

Cupped hand-determines carbs x2 for men

Fist-determines vegetables x2 for men

Thumb-determines fats x2 for men

x2 for men for most meals.  These are recommended for active people who train regularly or for someone wanting to eat in a surplus to gain weight

5 meals a day including snacks depending on goals of bulking or cutting

80/20 rule 90/10 rule

If you are just getting started and have struggled maintaining healthy eating habits in the past, I suggest you start with the 80/20 rule. This will help you build consistent habits and you will see progress week to week. To be healthy and balanced, you don’t always have to make perfect food choices. 80% is enough. The other 20% of the time you can choose less than healthy food and indulge. 80% of the time I follow a strict diet of whole ingredients. My energy levels are more stable and I recover quicker after training. 20% of the time I enjoy a pizza, a greasy cheese burger or going out to dinner with friends and family

Water intake

Half your body weight in ounces 

Example 130 lbs=65oz

Healthy habits-12 tips and how to implement them for longevity

Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. All of the good stuff happens while the body recovers - while we sleep.  Having a consistent sleep and wake time is just as important.

Prioritize strength training over cardio. Being strong helps you burn more calories while at rest and prepares your body for high-intensity training. Strength also helps you to recover from conditioning workouts just as conditioning workouts help you to recover from strength sessions.  They go hand in hand. Some mindfulness via movement, breathing, or guided reflection reduces stress levels at these pivotal moments of the day. I recommend journaling. Utilize recovery modalities. Stretching, massages, foam rolling, saunas, cold plunges and cryotherapy maximize your results and ensure self-care. Remember, nothing is better than SLEEP.  Think about the long game.  Life is a marathon. 12 tips for 12 months.  Focus on 1 at a time, implement it over a month until it's a habit and becomes something you do without thinking.  Next month add in the next tip for a month until it's a habit and so on. If you do some or most of these already then start where you can implement a new habit. These don't have to be done in any particular order but start with water, it's the easiest and will create buy in.

  1. Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day. Proper hydration is key to staying focused and optimizing your metabolism.

  2. Consume a meal every 2-4 hours. Last meal should be 2 hours before bed.

  3. Choose good carbohydrate sources. White rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa and fruit (berries and bananas) are all good choices.

  4. Take a probiotic. Probiotics increase the flora in our gut to improve digestion.

  5. Limit your starchy carbohydrate intake. on days with low activity

  6. Avoid processed foods. Choose foods with limited and simple ingredients.

  7. Eat more greens. Getting a serving of veggies every meal assists in proper digestion and is also good use of increased protein intake

  8. Use high quality salt. Pink, gray and Celtic salt contain electrolytes and traces of minerals that help you stay hydrated.

  9. Eat more protein. This macronutrient is the raw material of all your body’s metabolic processes and has the biggest impact on healthy body composition.

  10. Shop high-quality foods. Your proteins should be grass-fed, cage-free or organic certified when it fits your budget. You’re paying for better nutrition and less filler.

  11. Consume healthy fats. Particularly when your carb level is low. Fats like coconut oil, animal fat, grass-fed butter, and avocado fat help us generate body temperature, remove toxins and repair and fortify cells.

  12. Coffee as a tool, not a crutch. Coffee can be a supplement to increase energy, mental alertness and fat burning. I often see coffee/caffeine being abused.


What is a macro? “Macro” is short for macronutrient, which are protein, carbohydrates and fats. When you’re counting your macros, you’re counting the grams of proteins, carbs, or fats you’re consuming

Why do people count macros? Keeping track of your macros can help you make (or plan to make) smart, healthy food choices. It’s similar to counting calories, but it takes the ideology one step further. In the simplest terms, weight loss happens when you burn more calories than you consume. Macro counting helps you understand where those calories are coming from and how they affect your body. It also helps you understand that not all calories are created equal. For example, let’s say you have a calorie goal of 2,000 a day. One gram of protein is 4 calories. So, if you eat 125g of protein, you’re eating 500 calories from protein, leaving you 1,500 calories to split between your fat and carbs. Macro counting helps you focus more on the composition of your food. You will pay more attention to how you are fueling your body and how your body reacts.

Your body weight x10 will give you a deficit calorie count. Example 180x10=1800 calories. Anything less is probably not enough, anything more will be a surplus. Example of a surplus is 180x11=1980 calories. Depending on your goals you can adjust this number very easily. 

Proteins provide 4 calories per gram. The recommendation is 10-35% of your total calories. Protein-rich foods include eggs, poultry, fish, tofu and lentils.

Carbs provide 4 calories per gram. The recommendation is 45-64% of your total calories. Carbs are found in foods like grains, starchy vegetables, beans, dairy products and fruits.

Fats provide 9 calories per gram. The recommendation is 20-35% of your total calories. Fats are found in foods like oils, butter, avocado, nuts, meat and fatty fish


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