Brand story

In my senior year of high school (2010), I hurt my back deadlifting.

My school had a competitive powerlifting team and most athletes took part. Our so-called coaches were history and math teachers and totally unqualified. One day during practice I lowered the bar incorrectly and herniated my L4 and L5 discs.

I couldn’t walk for 6 months.

After several consultations with specialists, doctors, surgeons, and chiropractors that all said I would need surgery and never play sports again or be active/physical. I rehabbed my injury myself and went on to join the Army.

Here I learned how much I loved to train others. One training exercise before deployment a man in my team had taken a simulated IED blast. He was a huge dude and I had to pull him out of the blast zone and into safety. I wasn’t strong enough to pull him. This was all simulated but the instructors reminded me that he died and it was my fault.

These are the two main events that brought me to where I am—the importance of being healthy, being strong, and knowing what you’re doing.

I hurt myself working out because I had no coaching. I couldn’t save my friend because I wasn’t strong enough. Any one of these things could happen to any one of us. I love to teach and pass on knowledge. It’s what sets me on fire! I want people to be well informed and educated about how to use their bodies.

This is the reason and passion that drives me. Over the years, I’ve gone through several coaching seminars and programs to become the best. I still have a lifetime left to learn.

In 2015 I moved to Nashville Tennessee, for more opportunities.  Being from a small town in Western Kentucky, I knew that I either needed to marry a farmer or I'd be stuck working in a factory and neither of those appealed to me.

I moved to Nashville with $100 to my name and a bag of clothes in the back of my jeep.  I had a potent mix of drive, desire, passion and grit!   

I spent 3 months being homeless and trying to create some sort of stability.  I joined a local Crossfit gym because they had a shower and I had a CFL1 certification.  Humble beginnings ,always keeping my head up and ears open.  I now coach in a gym that overlooks that same place where I would sleep in the parking lot and shower after all other members had left.

In 2016 I started with 1 client and a few regular classes that I taught at my gym(HOTBOX). Being young and proud, inexperienced and weak-minded. Every failure has a lesson and before I learned how to cultivate an architect mindset I let those struggles get the best of me.

I take responsibility for all of my struggles and shortcomings. I would often depend on others to do things for me and end up waiting on someone else to do what I wanted. That’s bullshit and it doesn’t work. I was in a bad habit of getting comfortable and stopped pushing forward. Get a new client, get a paycheck and then stop pursuing the next step.

In late 2019 I was taught how to make money.  Dr Sean Pastuch of Active life RX got on a phone call with me when I expressed that I “didn't have enough money to pay for his course.”  In a 15 minute facetime he taught me how to make money and he did it so I could afford to pay for his course.  NEVER have I experienced something like that before.  What if all companies did business like that?  This became a large part of my training model.  Months later in March of 2020, the world stopped and my business stopped with it. Or so I thought.

I had all my own gym equipment that I could keep in the back of my truck. I would set up shop in parking lots of my neighborhood and train. Everyone was out walking those days so advertising was easy.

In February 2021, I learned even more about growth and opportunity.  Mark England, founder of the Enlifted Method, had reached out for a coaching call and I was hooked.  He taught me how to use my words as weapons, how to break down mental walls and build up successful habits.  He taught me how to develop my own Architect mindset and how to teach others.

In the summer of 2022 I launched my first LLC. One Moore Rep Fitness. Within the first year I started making 6 figures doing what I love.
I specialize in movement and teaching people how to train vs workout. My clients range from everyday people who want to get in better shape to former athletes who want to feel competitive again. Every session I have with my clients is a complete experience. We are doing more than working the body, we are training the mind as well. 


Online training programs


Nutrition guide